What methods of payment are accepted?
We accept cryptos:Bitcoin,USD coin,Litcoin,Bitcoin cash,Etherum,USDT,
And We also accept Bank transfer (+5% extra fee) and TransferWise (+5% extra fee) if you don't use cryptos.
Detailed payment information will be provided after you place the order.
Customers are responsible for all local handling fees and intermediary bank handling fees.
How do I know if my payment has been successful?
Our system will check BTC payment automatically. It will consider order paid when it receives 1
BTC confirmation. An email will be sent to you to confirm the payement. Your order status will be changed to "Awaiting Shipping"
Western Union payment will be processed by our financial department. After payment collected
An email will be sent to you to confirm the payment.Your order status will be changed to "Awaiting Shipping"
How do I use a coupon?
If you have a coupon code, you will be able to use it during checkout in the coupon code box. Once you have entered your coupon code. The coupon discount amount will be applied. Please note that you may only use one coupon per order.